Sunday, February 20, 2011

Aggie is lost!

Aggie was just adopted to a family in Herndon, and scared at the changes going on around her, she escaped within ten minutes of arriving at her new home (off Herndon Parkway, between Sterling Rd & Crestview Dr). Please help find her by spreading the word to everyone you know in the area. Pass around this blog address by email, social media, and we'd be happy to have you flier once we get the flier available for download on this blog.

Here's Aggie at the shelter from which Mutt Love Rescue pulled her
Can you tell from the picture how timid Aggie is? If you see her, please don't make eye contact or call out to her. She does not answer to "Aggie" anyway, at this time. Most important, call or text to report your sighting of her: 805-345-8854, which is the family's cell phone. You can also call 1-877-MUT-AWOL (688-2967), the AWOL Dogs phone number.

Aggie is a young black lab & chow mix, female, about 55 lbs. She is microchipped, thankfully, and also thankfully, she left with two red collars - a martingale collar with rabies, microchip & Mutt Love tags and one with white bones imprinted on it. Hopefully they will stay on her till she is found and secured. She escaped a little after 5pm on Saturday (Feb 19th), and we think that she is still not far from where she escaped.

UPDATE SUNDAY 8PM:  Lots of fliering today -- thanks to all who helped out! Sometime on Sunday, a missing pet tracking dog will be coming in to trail Aggie's scent. This will be Sam & Salsa of Pure Gold Pet Trackers. (For those already familiar with Salsa the golden retriever and her recent cancer diagnosis, she is doing well enough to do some tracking, as it helps her heal since she loves working so much!) During the track, Aggie's foster mom, to whom she did bond during their six weeks together, will be laying a scent trail to try to draw to her new home.  Watch for results of that track tomorrow, and by all means, keep those fingers and paws crossed!