Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Large Signs Are Now Up

The area that Aggie is wandering through is laced with heavily traveled roads including Herndon Parkway and Sterling Road. This has it's advantages and disadvantages, the disadvantages not needing to even be spoken and they are scary to us all.

The advantage is that if we can get LARGE signs up at some of those intersections, which has now finally been done, there should be more people that now get the message about this wandering black lab called Miss Aggie. The 8.5" x 11" fliers posted at a pedestrians eye level are really good mostly just for pedestrians, and any bikers that might be traveling on any of those routes. The occaisional passenger sitting right at a light and staring right at the flier can see it, but for the most part, their good comes when someone (1) sees Aggie and (2) remembers having seen a sign to go back and look at on the corner. Lots of lost pets have been found because someone recalled that there were lost pet signs up in the area and they could find one in short order.

With signs now up, the next job is to make sure they are staying up. So anyone that will be moving through Aggie's area (see the map from the last blog update), please look for signs around Herndon Pkway and Sterling and Rock Hill Roads, and leave a comment if it looks like there the signs put up have come down.

Again, and still, we are waiting for sighting calls.