Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Track Confirms Saturday Sightings

Sam and Salsa (Pure Gold Pet Trackers) were brought out on Tuesday to track from Saturday's sightings, and it seems that Aggie has done quite a lot of moving around, in a lot of different neighborhoods. A map of the track will be posted as soon as it is available from Sam -- hopefully Wednesday. Definitely, more help is needed to spread the word. Can you join the effort?

Update -- click HERE to get a map of all of the four tracks run on Aggie, the last two being last Friday, and yesterday, Tuesday.

A small version of just yesterday's track is here:

Here is Sam's report that accompanied the track maps:

She is still circling the neighborhood but the circles are expanding.  We need to spread out the postering to include all neighborhoods bordering Herndon Pkwy and Rock Hill Rd all the way out and including the golf course.  Dogs love golf courses.

Still haven't found her food source but it must be steady and of higher value than what we have been putting at the feeding station at the drainage area near Rock Hill Rd.

Someone is seeing her and not seeing the posters or not understanding the posters, or not willing to get involved.  She's out during the day periodically but only children are seeing her so maybe she isn't afraid of kids, just adults.  Hard to tell at this point.  The only positive thing is that she is still staying within a mile or two of where she was lost.  This is a very tight territory.  Unfortunately, there are too many hiding places so without the cooperation of the community to be actively watching for her, we won't be able to get ahead of her.  Right now, the only thing we can do is maintain feeding stations and pray that her luck holds on all of the roads she is crossing.

We are looking for people close to Herndon that are able to help monitor feeding stations, because we feel we need to set up more feeding stations until we can get her interested in one of them, and then we will abandon them. The more people we get on that team, the less will fall to any one person. Can you help?  Please send an email if you can help monitor feeding stations around Herndon over the next week.