Sunday, March 6, 2011

Still No Sightings -- Over a Week Now

Aggie has been missing for 15 days now, and the last sighting is over a week old.

It seems hard to believe so much time can go by with no sightings when so much work has been done to circulate the word, and with how many peole have been out searching for her. Hopefully, the areas where people are searching are the right areas, and that eventually she will emerge and be seen. This past weekend, there have been a LOT of eyes scanning the area for Aggie.

It also seems unlikely that anyone has her because we think she is so unlikely to go to anyone, and that she woudl be hard to catch. But, we know that her supporters are also checking the Pet Harbor website, so if the area shelters are keeping that website up to date, she must not be at any of the shelters -- Fairfax, Loudoun or Arlington counties or Alexandria.

We know it's more than possible that she is hiding in plain sight, so to speak. We know that she's likely to have developed survival skills even if she didn't already have them, which is possible since so little is known about her past life, because so many lost dogs before her have done it. So, hope is still very much alive .  .  . but it's not easy searching for a dog that is not showing herself at all.

Please keep looking, and please keep spreading the word so that someone who sees her will know who to call -- immediately, please!