Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another Sighting This Evening!

Just a couple of hours ago, Aggie was seen again! 

This time, she was trotting along on Spring Knoll, by residents who were just outside their front door. They could recognize the red collar.

Tim responded quickly and spoke to the people who had seen her. She had disappeared by the time he got there, and they did notice that she seemed to be heading generally in the direction of Herndon Parkway  :(

Usually the first thought in responding to a sighting is to consider setting up a feeding station in the spot. In this case, the sighting is SOOOO close to the heavily traveled Herndon Parkway, that we are hesitant to do that -- like with last night's sighting.

But Sonia is preparing bottles of scent water (eau de dirty socks) that we will spread, on Saturday, in spokes leading to her point of escape -- Tim and Amanda's house. They are leaving food out for her, and hopefully she's the one eating from it.

Keep spreading the word, and that fateful sighting call will be on its way!