Thursday, March 17, 2011

Aggie is Resting at Home

Not surprisingly, Aggie was EXHAUSTED when Sonia picked her up from the shelter today.

Yesterday, when the news came in that Aggie was at the shelter, it was too close to closing time for Sonia to get there, especially since she was just returning home from an overseas trip. And today, the shelter didn't open until noon. So, she wasn't home but she was safe and well taken care of.

When Aggie first saw Sonia, she showed no sign that she recognized her! Fortunately, Sonia already knew this was a possibility, so her feelings weren't hurt. ;)  But after she had a few minutes to zone in on her, or maybe she just finally caught her scent, then she was happy to see her. By the time they got home and she saw Dave, she recognized him right away. She went straight for her regular spot! When I was talking to Sonia, Aggie and Dave were watching the basketball game on the big screen TV.

Happily, Aggie is no worse for her time on the lam - not physically! She was timid and shy anyway, and that's still an issue for her. We know there are so many people that followed the search that would love to meet her, and hopefully she will some day be about to prance about among strangers. For now, Sonia will be keeping her close at home while she acclimates her back to life as a pet cared for by humans!

Hopefully, Sonia will also be able to find where in Herndon she was found. She covered so many areas in the town that it might have been that she was found. Sonia will be trying to get this information from the shelter tomorrow.

Much better, Aggie, we like seeing you at home!

Now, to get signs down. If you pass any of the posted fliers or signs that have been put up before we can get them down, it would be great if you would pull them down. Thanks in advance for that!