Monday, March 7, 2011

Saturday Sightings

Good news - when fliers were given out to students at the school on Parcher, a couple of the students reported seeing a black dog resembling Aggie on Saturday in the neighborhood at the townhouses on Monaghan Drive. Our volunteer spoke to one of the boys who lives there, and another boy told her the same thing when she showed his mom the flyer. Additionally, she learned that one of the teachers she saw her too. In the morning, she's going to talk to the teacher to find out from her what she saw, but it was definitely a black dog.

The flip side of it is that this is basically a whole new neighborhood. Aggie can cut through and get from one neighborhood to the next easily, but those of us traveling by car have a long way to go to either move operations or add operations in the new neighborhood. Fortunately, some volunteers had gotten out on Sunday and posted a lot of fliers to the Parcher neighborhood, though not all streets, and not Monaghan Drive. However, there's still a lot more to be done, and we have a supply of fliers ready so no need to print your own. Then there's a lot of electronic outreach that can be done. However you can help, including good old fashioned searching, please let us know.

The map will be updated with the latest sighting, but here's how it looks since just before we learned of the sightings, showing where we need fliering - in red.

View Find Lost Aggie in a larger map