Sunday, February 27, 2011

From Salsa's Nose

Sam & Salsa came out to track Aggie's movements from the water tower, which is the latest sighting -- from Thursday evening. The track will be mapped later, but basically Aggie looped from the water town to Summerfield through to Rock Hill Rd, to a right on Herndon Parkway and back to Summerfield to to Spring Knoll. A feeding station was set up along Spring Knoll. In a number of spots on the track, the scent was going in two directions, which is an indication that this is her loop, and she's done it more than once.

There was a feeding station at Lawn & Leisure, but that one has now been removed after nearly a week with no activity. So now there are two feeding stations in addition to the one at the house.

If you are near Herndon and are able to assist with and of th following, please please email me:
  • assist with checking feeding stations
  • bring a hammer and drive some large signs we have into the ground in a few spots -- along Rock Hill Rd for one
  • print out some half page fliers I've made, and insert them in door hanger bags we have, then deliver them to the residents along Summerfield
  • keep Aggie's Craigslist posting new every couple of days
Every little bit you can do to help is appreciated, and makes a differnce. And I hope Aggie gets to thank you some day for what you are doing to help her.

Saturday Evening's Efforts

Last night, Aggie's supporters attempted to generate a sighting by setting up a surveillance plan that included teams monitoring five temporary feeding stations, all surrounding Aggie's new home from which she bolted one week earlier.

During the afternoon, scent trails were laid out from five locations, in spokes, leading to the house. Each location was selected for a specific reason; they were places Aggie was sighted or tracked, or had great appeal for a dog at large. Then last night, a team was placed at the start of each scent trail, and given chicken & bacon to place strategically and watch. The hope was that the scent of the meat would draw her to that spot, and then either her picking up the "eau de Sonia's socks" would lead her to the house or better yet, the volunteer team would then alert Sonia, and start a phone tree to alert the other teams so they could converge on the sighting spot. We had a volunteer waiting by the phone to guide any team that needed help navigating to the sighting location. Sonia and I roved throughout all of the surveillance sites plus other areas, always at the ready to respond to a sighting call or assist in any other way. It was a good plan, well executed, and timed during the periods when other Aggie sightings have occurred over the last week.

And nothing. No Aggie showed herself anywhere, at anytime, during a full four hour stretch. There were cats and deer and foxes that were seen. One team was approached by Herndon's finest.  Another team had a tow truck back up to their car, whose driver must have figured out that they were in it so he left. Another had some creepy black truck pass back and forth, back and forth past the car throughout the entire shift. Everyone was out but Aggie.

So we need more eyes out looking, all the time, meaning more outreach is needed. Anyone that can do the biz card thing, or can spend some time putting up large signs that we have made and want installed at some of the big intersections, email me for info on how you can help do that today. Thanks to the volunteer that spent some time re-fliering yesterday, and I think he would probably say that more refliering is needed. The W&OD trail needs to be fliered, particularly between mile markers 19 - 22, so that might be a great excuse for anyone wanting a nice walk or bike ride today. Download fliers from the blog, or I'll tell you where you can pick up a supply of them if you email me.

Sam and Salsa of Pure Gold Pet Trackers will be out today running another track, probably starting from the sighting near the water tower on Thursday evening. We're anxious to learn what Salsa has to tell us.

Someone is surely seeing her. We are waiting for the call.