Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Still Looking, Chins Up!

What we learned from yesterday's track is that Aggie has not ventured far - maybe half a mike from home. She was tracked to the corner of Douglas Ct and Old Ox Road in Herndon. Salsa also found the spot where it appears that Aggie is bedding down.

Two places were found to set up feeding stations, and scent articles (dirty socks) were also left at each site by Aggie's foster mom, Sonia.

Much of the fliering that is needed was done, except for the stretch along Old Ox, and with the businesses along Douglas Ct and Oakgrove. A couple of volunteers will be out there this morning, weather permitting, chatting with the businesses and fliering, and taking a sneaky peek at the den and feeding areas.

As soon as the map of the track is available, we will share it. And by all means, any sightings that HAVE to eventually start coming in will be reported here ASAP.

Thank you for your continuing support and for helping to spread the word about Aggie's plight.

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