Friday, March 4, 2011

The Boys Miss Aggie

Aggie set off on her adventure just minutes after she met her new family at her new home, 2 weeks ago now. But it was enough time that the children know the companionship they are missing with Aggie gone, and they want her back! The family very much appreciates that, when the older son participated in sharing day, at school, by sharing that he wants his lost dog back, the school put his sign up in the front lobby. Kids are a great way to spread the word about a lost dog, so please make sure that the kids in your life know to keep an eye out for Aggie, and to tell their friends.

Well, it seems that the people at the quarry had safety issues with anyone but workers in there, so Sam was not able to get in there to track or search. But aren't quarries really loud, at least during the business day? Let's hope she's not there, then, since we can't get in.

So we appreciate that some community members are making concerted efforts to take their walks and spend some time searching in the general area of Rock Hill, Sterling Road, and Herndon Parkway. Looking at the map of the general area, Parcher Avenue looks like an area that would be worth circulating the word about Aggie to. If you know people living in that community, or if you know the homeowners associations back there, please help make sure they know about Aggie. She could get there from where she's been sighted and tracked by Salsa even if cars could not so easily get there.

There is also some concern that if Aggie meanders along Rock Hill on the other side of 606/Sterling Rd, she could so easily pick up the W&OD Trail. If she does that, Purcellville and Arlington are hers for the taking. That and the fact that that the trail has a lot of great places to post fliers is part of why we would like to get to bikers and dog walkers and anyone willing to spend some time along the trail this weekend. Can you help?

If you are able to come out and help, or if you go out searching on your own for Aggie, thank you and please let us know -- by email or by comment on this blog. Aggie definitely needs help in all kinds of ways. And don't forget spreading the word electronically, stopping by the shelters in the area to check the dogs in residence, and of course, communicating telephatically with Aggie to explain that we are not predators, we are trying to help her!


Anonymous said...

This morning (Saturday) Nelson and I walked around the woods which are on the border of the soccer field at the end of Greene Avenue.

Then we took the path that is cut through the woods, visible in a close up overhead view, from the Virginia Center for Innovative Technology to Innovation Avenue. Then we walked across the street to the area enclosed within Innovation Avenue and Rt. 28. We then walked both sides of Innovation Avenue leading to Rte. 28.

Then we drove down Shaw Avenue and got out and looked around. Then we went over to woods at the end of Trefoil Lane behind the Sun Rentals.

If Aggie was in those woods around the quarry she is doing a good job of hiding. I haven’t heard so much as a twig snap this past week in that area.

Dave Webster

NHD said...

Dave, your circuit sounds perfect! With luck, Nelson will eventually draw Aggie out, plus, she should be less suspicious if you are walking a dog as opposed to alone. Aggie is lucky to have you looking out for her. Keep on keeping us apprised of your searches - and thank you for it!

Anonymous said...

Went out twice early Sat.--3:15am and again after 5am--Summerfield Dr area and Rock Hill (twice--once while dark and second time after light enough to check feeding station). Did another loop through Rock Hil/Innovation at 4pm and noticed all the new signs up. Aimee from gave me a large bag of kibble (organic no less) to use to fill feeding station there. Just give me the word and I will fill when I check.

stephanie jackson said...

I hope she found a place to stay warm and dry today and tonight! The next day or so would be a great time to look for her as it will be muddy and you can see paw prints. Hope you find her soon! I live over off sterling parkway, not far from the quarry, and drive down sterling rd whenever im out, hope she comes home soon.

NHD said...

What a great point you've made, Stephanie! There's looking at the bright side on this dreary day! Thank you for the looking you've been doing, and the looking you'll do in the future. Someone has to see her next; might as well be you!