Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Quarry Nearby

It's been a week now since Aggie has been sighted -- that;s a long time to go without seeing a lost dog, and don't get tired of reading this, but she didn't turn to fairy dust. She is somewhere. While it's impossible for there to be too much outreach, or enough that we are sure everyone in the area knows about her, and who to contact if they see her, we do feel that a lot of spreading of the word has been done. So now, Sam (I think) developed the idea that she could be wandering around that quarry that is right in the area.

It's massive, the quarry. Go to Google Maps and key in 23076 Shaw Rd Sterling Rd 20166, and get a look at it. You can see why we are concerned that if she has made her way in there and is looping through it, she might not be seen for weeks. While we don't want to shut down the efforts to continue spreading the word throughout Herndon and to dog lovers all over Northern VA, we are putting some of what resources we have into exploring the theory that she is on the quarry property.

Here's a report from one volunteer that did an initial cruise there yesterday (Wednesday):

I went to the Quarry, it is big. This is a very large area to search for one person, a lot of tree limbs. I did my best; I was there 3 hours.

I drove onto the first entrance and was flagged down. Very dangerous, he said and has a big hole in the middle. Across the street, Quarry on left side are some wetlands (?) some dry on the other side. I did see animal paw tracks on the harder mud. I followed them but then they broke up. I did see a few spots she could hide in, however it can be very noisy so close to the Quarry. But the closer to RT 28 through those woods the more quiet, if that makes any sense.

I also went to the administrative office further back on the same road on site and gave them the poster and cards. They said they'd show it to the guys. I gave out posters and cards to men fixing their vehicles by the quarry that work there, one to the 7/11, one to the public storage, one to the Comfort Inn which faces the woods, (I think it's a Comfort? I also looked all over their site I also looked all over the Public Sarge, a lot of equipment she could have been hiding behind or in. They were very helpful.

To anyone thinking of going there, careful and wear boots.

Then later, Sonia reported that Sam will be going out to the quarry with one of her dogs tomorow, after obtaining authorization to do so, which is required by the quarry people.

While we have a few volunteers that are fitting in the time to do some searching, trying to drum up sightings, more people are needed on the weekend. We need people to check and replace some of the fliers, do some expansion on the fliering, and install some larger signs that we ahve, in strategic locations. Anyone want an excuse to bring out the bike? Biking the area to look for her may produce sightings, or biking the W&OD trail to post fliers will help spread the word. Please, please leave a comment or send an email if you can help!


Anonymous said...

For about four days now I have been looking along the Rock Hill/Innovation Avenue side of the quarry on the theory that the area around the quarry is a good place for a dog to hide. I have gotten out of my car and walked around with my dog Nelson and tried to listen for any movement in the woods. Nothing thus far.

At any rate, that area is as good a guess as any where Aggie is. Yesterday, I walked around for about 1 hour at 1:00 pm.

Dave Webster

NHD said...

Dave, thank you so much for letting us know about the eyes on this area -- it's comforting to know that some folks are doing some looking at times when those closest to the search are not able to have boots to the ground. At some point, someone is going to sight her, and right now, it sure is looking like it will take deliberate searching for that to happen!

Debbie said...

Would the quarry people allow a feeding station and/or camera to be set up? If I understand correctly, Aggie was on her own for a long time in the woods where she was found down south. (It sounds like this is a dog that knows how to survive on her own...?) Maybe she's bedding down in the woods by the quarry because she feels secure in a quiet after hours environment and then comes out to search for food when people are gone. Restaurants, country clubs and grocery stores would have excellent scavenging potential....just throwing out a little hope and ideas....

Anonymous said...

You're welcome on the searching. There is a small "island" where rock hill curves around into innovation. I walked through there about 12:30 today and no sighting.

Dave Webster

Dan L said...

I too have been around looking for Aggie during my lunch breaks. Obviously I haven't seen her but I was hoping maybe during the day she may be out and about. I will keep on doing so. Fingers crossed.

Dan Larivey