Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Sighting by a Volunteer, and Track Maps

Finally, proof that Aggie is not a phantom or visible only to children!

Aggie has some awesome supporters, and as much time as some of them have been putting in, watching for her and canvassing the area, I guess they were bound to see her. Here's an account from one volunteer of her chance sighting today:

This afternoon as I was in the school at the front office, at dismissal I looked out the window to see a black dog running down Parcher. I looked to see if there was a person attached to the dog, but no one was there. I ran out of the building but by the time I got across Parcher, the dog had slipped behind the townhouses on Jensen Pl. That is a cut through to Early Fall Ct...where Aggie has been before. The dog was a mid sized dog, but by the time I got out there, she/he was gone. The dog had slipped behind the townhouses. This one had somewhat longish fur and possibly a curly tail. Mind you, I was in a building looking out and she/he was across the street running down the road, so I was too far away to see the dog clearly....it was loose and fast. I drove to Early Fall Ct to see if she was there and asked some people. They have seen the signs but did not see her there today. One guy had seen her over by the school. The time was 3:10pm... and busy time at school.

We also owe huge thanks to the folks out there that we know are walking, driving and biking around in hopes of seeing her. This is just what we want, and just the way to get sightings. (Of course be careful that you don't chase her, call out to her or make eye contact with her.)

Finally, Sam has provided three maps, all available (along with all past tracks) HERE. One is a map of yesterday's track, then there is an overlay of all past tracks, and finally, the one that looks like this is a map of the central area where all of the tracks intersect:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the link to the map doesn't appear to work...