Monday, March 14, 2011

More Sightings, Another Track

This past weekend, some of our great volunteers poured their hearts into the search for Aggie, and they found numerous kids that have been seeing her. Maybe adults have too, but the kids were the ones that were out & about and being so helpful to our volunteers. The kids that are seeing her are challenged by not having phones handy to call when they see her. It would be great to get a live sighting by one of the kids (well, by anyone!) but we are just so relieved even after the fact to find out from sightings that she is staying so close. We are talking about the community that is accessed by Parcher Avenue.

Then late this afternoon, Sam and Salsa came out, and verified Aggie's scent in the areas where she has been seen. So, while it's now been more than three weeks (in case you aren't keeping track), we are encouraged by the knowledge that she's right in front of our noses even if we can't see her. It's a matter of time now!

Will post Sam's map as soon as we get it, but here is how the track was described by one of the volunteers that accompanied it:

Basically we started at Bryce Ct, cut through Tamani, up Summerfield Drive straight onto Rock Hill Road and headed straight into the woods...way back and around. Came up back onto Rock Hill (right by a yellow house and gravel drive...which faces Capstone Circle).  Crossed Rock Hill back onto Capstone and through a cut through (the one I found last week) and back onto Bryce. It was one big circle...amazing...we ended where we had started and parked our car!

Keep watching out for her, and here's to you being able to place that one critical -- and impeccably timed -- call that we need!


Anonymous said...

So I was riding my bike on Saturday in all the right places, just at the wrong time.

NHD said...

Oh, your timing could have been right -- you just might have needed to turn your head 15 feet in one direction or another! Either that or be a kid in grade school