Friday, March 11, 2011

Still Waiting on Sightings But Good Efforts Going On

Although she doesn't know it yet, Aggie is grateful and thankful to her many supporters that have come out over the last couple of days to work, despite the rain, in getting the word out via fliers. I suppose if I was going to hold my breath waiting for sighting calls, it would be after an effort like this one. Well, good thing I didn't because I'm still waiting. But they HAVE to be coming through any time now. (As this update is being posted, the map needs to be updated with the areas that were fliered in the last couple of days -- thanks to all!!)

Our team was encouraged by a report from Amanda, who was contacted by our friends at the Loudoun County's Animal Control office. It's so comforting to know that they are in Aggie's corner! And she IS weaving in and out between Loudoun and Fairfax Counties. Here's what Amanda reported:

Just an officer from Loudoun Animal Control called me today and said they had picked up a black dog with a little brown on her mouth.  I asked him if she had any white on her and he said no.  I told him it couldn't be Aggie.  He did say that they have been keeping their eyes out for her so at least that is encouraging.

And lastly, for now, in case you didn't notice the upper left corner of the page here, we've now added capability for any reader to translate this page into one of numerous languages of their choosing. So please, if you know anyone that might have seen Aggie but does not read English, let them know to visit this site, and they can get all the information we have about this lost soul we call Aggie, who needs to come in out of the rain.


Anonymous said...

Don't tell my boss. I am taking off work early today. Nelson is convinced he can sniff Aggie out.

Dave Webster

Anonymous said...

I rode my bike all over the Parcher area today, then cut through to Rock Hill and covered the two townhouse complexes and the wooded area nearby. Then, I went back to Tamani and rode over to Summerfield. Nothing. Nada. Perhaps she crossed Rt 28 to the west, or the Dulles Toll Rd to the south.