Thursday, March 17, 2011

Aggie is Resting at Home

Not surprisingly, Aggie was EXHAUSTED when Sonia picked her up from the shelter today.

Yesterday, when the news came in that Aggie was at the shelter, it was too close to closing time for Sonia to get there, especially since she was just returning home from an overseas trip. And today, the shelter didn't open until noon. So, she wasn't home but she was safe and well taken care of.

When Aggie first saw Sonia, she showed no sign that she recognized her! Fortunately, Sonia already knew this was a possibility, so her feelings weren't hurt. ;)  But after she had a few minutes to zone in on her, or maybe she just finally caught her scent, then she was happy to see her. By the time they got home and she saw Dave, she recognized him right away. She went straight for her regular spot! When I was talking to Sonia, Aggie and Dave were watching the basketball game on the big screen TV.

Happily, Aggie is no worse for her time on the lam - not physically! She was timid and shy anyway, and that's still an issue for her. We know there are so many people that followed the search that would love to meet her, and hopefully she will some day be about to prance about among strangers. For now, Sonia will be keeping her close at home while she acclimates her back to life as a pet cared for by humans!

Hopefully, Sonia will also be able to find where in Herndon she was found. She covered so many areas in the town that it might have been that she was found. Sonia will be trying to get this information from the shelter tomorrow.

Much better, Aggie, we like seeing you at home!

Now, to get signs down. If you pass any of the posted fliers or signs that have been put up before we can get them down, it would be great if you would pull them down. Thanks in advance for that!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Breaking News! :) :) :) :) :) :)

Waiting on confirmation now, and hopefully details, but it looks like Aggie has been found!

It seems that Fairfax County Animal Control was, I guess, called out to someone's home (location known at this time only as "Herndon") where a black lab/shepherd mix has been living under someone's shed off and on for a few weeks. The dog has a red collar with tags, and when they called the number on the tags, they reached a Mutt Love volunteer! So, it can only be Aggie!

Right now she's in transport, so way too soon for us to have any details. But I'm very excited about this development!!!


Aggie's Picture on

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Sighting by a Volunteer, and Track Maps

Finally, proof that Aggie is not a phantom or visible only to children!

Aggie has some awesome supporters, and as much time as some of them have been putting in, watching for her and canvassing the area, I guess they were bound to see her. Here's an account from one volunteer of her chance sighting today:

This afternoon as I was in the school at the front office, at dismissal I looked out the window to see a black dog running down Parcher. I looked to see if there was a person attached to the dog, but no one was there. I ran out of the building but by the time I got across Parcher, the dog had slipped behind the townhouses on Jensen Pl. That is a cut through to Early Fall Ct...where Aggie has been before. The dog was a mid sized dog, but by the time I got out there, she/he was gone. The dog had slipped behind the townhouses. This one had somewhat longish fur and possibly a curly tail. Mind you, I was in a building looking out and she/he was across the street running down the road, so I was too far away to see the dog was loose and fast. I drove to Early Fall Ct to see if she was there and asked some people. They have seen the signs but did not see her there today. One guy had seen her over by the school. The time was 3:10pm... and busy time at school.

We also owe huge thanks to the folks out there that we know are walking, driving and biking around in hopes of seeing her. This is just what we want, and just the way to get sightings. (Of course be careful that you don't chase her, call out to her or make eye contact with her.)

Finally, Sam has provided three maps, all available (along with all past tracks) HERE. One is a map of yesterday's track, then there is an overlay of all past tracks, and finally, the one that looks like this is a map of the central area where all of the tracks intersect:

Monday, March 14, 2011

More Sightings, Another Track

This past weekend, some of our great volunteers poured their hearts into the search for Aggie, and they found numerous kids that have been seeing her. Maybe adults have too, but the kids were the ones that were out & about and being so helpful to our volunteers. The kids that are seeing her are challenged by not having phones handy to call when they see her. It would be great to get a live sighting by one of the kids (well, by anyone!) but we are just so relieved even after the fact to find out from sightings that she is staying so close. We are talking about the community that is accessed by Parcher Avenue.

Then late this afternoon, Sam and Salsa came out, and verified Aggie's scent in the areas where she has been seen. So, while it's now been more than three weeks (in case you aren't keeping track), we are encouraged by the knowledge that she's right in front of our noses even if we can't see her. It's a matter of time now!

Will post Sam's map as soon as we get it, but here is how the track was described by one of the volunteers that accompanied it:

Basically we started at Bryce Ct, cut through Tamani, up Summerfield Drive straight onto Rock Hill Road and headed straight into the woods...way back and around. Came up back onto Rock Hill (right by a yellow house and gravel drive...which faces Capstone Circle).  Crossed Rock Hill back onto Capstone and through a cut through (the one I found last week) and back onto Bryce. It was one big circle...amazing...we ended where we had started and parked our car!

Keep watching out for her, and here's to you being able to place that one critical -- and impeccably timed -- call that we need!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Still Waiting on Sightings But Good Efforts Going On

Although she doesn't know it yet, Aggie is grateful and thankful to her many supporters that have come out over the last couple of days to work, despite the rain, in getting the word out via fliers. I suppose if I was going to hold my breath waiting for sighting calls, it would be after an effort like this one. Well, good thing I didn't because I'm still waiting. But they HAVE to be coming through any time now. (As this update is being posted, the map needs to be updated with the areas that were fliered in the last couple of days -- thanks to all!!)

Our team was encouraged by a report from Amanda, who was contacted by our friends at the Loudoun County's Animal Control office. It's so comforting to know that they are in Aggie's corner! And she IS weaving in and out between Loudoun and Fairfax Counties. Here's what Amanda reported:

Just an officer from Loudoun Animal Control called me today and said they had picked up a black dog with a little brown on her mouth.  I asked him if she had any white on her and he said no.  I told him it couldn't be Aggie.  He did say that they have been keeping their eyes out for her so at least that is encouraging.

And lastly, for now, in case you didn't notice the upper left corner of the page here, we've now added capability for any reader to translate this page into one of numerous languages of their choosing. So please, if you know anyone that might have seen Aggie but does not read English, let them know to visit this site, and they can get all the information we have about this lost soul we call Aggie, who needs to come in out of the rain.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Track Confirms Saturday Sightings

Sam and Salsa (Pure Gold Pet Trackers) were brought out on Tuesday to track from Saturday's sightings, and it seems that Aggie has done quite a lot of moving around, in a lot of different neighborhoods. A map of the track will be posted as soon as it is available from Sam -- hopefully Wednesday. Definitely, more help is needed to spread the word. Can you join the effort?

Update -- click HERE to get a map of all of the four tracks run on Aggie, the last two being last Friday, and yesterday, Tuesday.

A small version of just yesterday's track is here:

Here is Sam's report that accompanied the track maps:

She is still circling the neighborhood but the circles are expanding.  We need to spread out the postering to include all neighborhoods bordering Herndon Pkwy and Rock Hill Rd all the way out and including the golf course.  Dogs love golf courses.

Still haven't found her food source but it must be steady and of higher value than what we have been putting at the feeding station at the drainage area near Rock Hill Rd.

Someone is seeing her and not seeing the posters or not understanding the posters, or not willing to get involved.  She's out during the day periodically but only children are seeing her so maybe she isn't afraid of kids, just adults.  Hard to tell at this point.  The only positive thing is that she is still staying within a mile or two of where she was lost.  This is a very tight territory.  Unfortunately, there are too many hiding places so without the cooperation of the community to be actively watching for her, we won't be able to get ahead of her.  Right now, the only thing we can do is maintain feeding stations and pray that her luck holds on all of the roads she is crossing.

We are looking for people close to Herndon that are able to help monitor feeding stations, because we feel we need to set up more feeding stations until we can get her interested in one of them, and then we will abandon them. The more people we get on that team, the less will fall to any one person. Can you help?  Please send an email if you can help monitor feeding stations around Herndon over the next week.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Saturday Sightings

Good news - when fliers were given out to students at the school on Parcher, a couple of the students reported seeing a black dog resembling Aggie on Saturday in the neighborhood at the townhouses on Monaghan Drive. Our volunteer spoke to one of the boys who lives there, and another boy told her the same thing when she showed his mom the flyer. Additionally, she learned that one of the teachers she saw her too. In the morning, she's going to talk to the teacher to find out from her what she saw, but it was definitely a black dog.

The flip side of it is that this is basically a whole new neighborhood. Aggie can cut through and get from one neighborhood to the next easily, but those of us traveling by car have a long way to go to either move operations or add operations in the new neighborhood. Fortunately, some volunteers had gotten out on Sunday and posted a lot of fliers to the Parcher neighborhood, though not all streets, and not Monaghan Drive. However, there's still a lot more to be done, and we have a supply of fliers ready so no need to print your own. Then there's a lot of electronic outreach that can be done. However you can help, including good old fashioned searching, please let us know.

The map will be updated with the latest sighting, but here's how it looks since just before we learned of the sightings, showing where we need fliering - in red.

View Find Lost Aggie in a larger map